Numerical Study of Oblique Shock Wave
Oblique shock wave, Fluid flow, Computational fluid dynamics.Abstract
This study aims to investigate some physical parameters in presence of an oblique shock wave numerically. Computational fluid dynamics has been used to analyze fluid behavior upstream and downstream of the shock wave. To obtain a good resolution, the computational domain is constructed by fine meshing. Due to its wide use in engineering applications, Air has been used as fluid material. A wedge of half-angle q = 22° has been used to intercept the airflow path and founding the oblique shock wave of anglef. For gathering comprehensive information, the air flows have been tested for three Mach numbers, namely slightly higher than 1, slightly higher than two, and slightly higher than three (M1~=1, M2~=2, and M3~=3) and represented as a case (a), (b) and (c) respectively. The continuity equation, momentum equation, and energy equation have been solved numerically. Velocity, turbulent viscosity, total pressure, and total enthalpy have been investigated upstream and downstream of the shockwave for the three different Mach numbers. The results showed that the total pressure downstream of the shock wave was less than that of the upstream shock wave. In addition, the turbulent viscosity area around the object becomes thicker as the Mach numbers become bigger. Also, the total pressure was slightly different for the three different Mach numbers. These behaviors of the above-mentioned parameters are attributed to the shock wave effects. In addition, the oblique shock wave angle f is appeared to be decreased as the Mach number increased.

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