Study of the Radii and Deformation Parameters of Radioactive (88Ra) Isotopes


  • Duaa Abed Salim Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Mustansiriyah, Baghdad ,Iraq. Author


Radium, structure of nuclear , rotational symmetry.


This study examined many nuclear characteristics, including the composition, forms, and methods for altering the shapes of radioactive radium isotope nuclei based on the deformation parameters associated with these isotopes. The radii and deformation characteristics of these nuclei were also analyzed. The nuclear properties of radium require examination due to its common presence in the environment and its classification as an alpha emitter. Radium is a threat to natural ecosystems. The MATLAB software served as the operational tool for acquiring the results, in which several equations were executed to yield the desired outcomes. The results indicate that at mass number 230, β and δ get their peak values of 0.2692 and 0.2702, respectively, whilst at mass number 212, they achieve their lowest values of 0.0882 and 0.0704. Upon meticulous investigation, it was evident that there existed only a minor discrepancy between the experimental and acquired results, although the substantial differences in the outcomes. The nuclei exhibit spherical or nearly spherical structures and forms due of their elevated deformation parameters and near to the magic numbers. Consequently, their forms are inherently elliptical.


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