Realistic Shell Model Interpretation for the Nuclear Structure of Some 1f-2p Shell Nuclei


  • Ehsan M. Raheem, Ali A. Abdulhasan Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Shell model, Harmonic oscillator potential, Charge density distribution Electron scattering, Nuclear structure.


The charge density distributions (CDD), charge form factors, occupation numbers of states, and root mean square charge (rmsch) radii, have been calculated for several 1f-2p shell-model nuclei, such as 48Ti, 50Ti, 50Cr, 52Cr, 58Ni, and 60Ni nuclei using the wave functions for a single particle in a harmonic oscillator (HO) potential. The size parameter b of the HO potential is considered as a free parameter chosen to reproduce the rmsch radii. The nuclear real states occupation numbers have been assumed to differ from the simple shell model predictions. Introducing extra parameters such as  and  to characterize the disparity between the occupation numbers of real states and those anticipated by the simple shell model, leads to achieving a high level of agreement between the calculations and experimental data. Obtained results lead to the conclusion that the proposed parameters  and , bring the calculated CDD and form factors closer to the experimental data along with all values of radius r and momentum transfer q, respectively.






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